Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wahai SahabatKu......

Diriwayatkan, bahawa :

Apabila penghuni syurga telah masuk ke dalam syurga, lalu mereka tidak menemukan sahabat-sahabat mereka yang selalu bersama mereka dahulu sewaktu di dunia. Mereka pun bertanya tentang sahabat mereka kepada Allah:

"Ya Rabb. Kami tidak melihat sahabat-sahabat kami yang sewaktu di dunia solat bersama kami, puasa bersama kami dan berjuang bersama kami."

Maka Allah berfirman:

"Pergilah kamu ke neraka, lalu keluarkanlah sahabat-sahabat mu yang di hatinya ada iman walaupun hanya sebesar zarah." (Hadis riwayat Imam Ibnul Mubarak dalam kitab "Az-Zuhd").

Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri berkata:

"Perbanyaklah sahabat-sahabat mukmin mu, kerana mereka memiliki syafa'at pada hari kiamat nanti."
Imam Ibnul Jauzi pernah berpesan kepada sahabat-sahabatnya sambil menangis:

"Jika kalian tidak menemukanku nanti di syurga bersama kalian, maka tolonglah bertanya kepada Allah tentang aku:

"Wahai Rabb Hamba-Mu si fulan, sewaktu di dunia selalu mengingatkan kami tentang Engkau. Maka masukkanlah dia bersama kami di syurga-Mu."

Sahabat-sahabatku. Mudah-mudahan dengan ini, aku telah mengingatkanmu tentang Allah. Agar aku dapat bersertamu kelak di syurga dan redha-Nya.

آمِيّنْ. يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ

Ya Allah. Aku Memohon kepada-Mu. Kurniakanlah kepadaku sahabat-sahabat yang selalu mengajakku untuk tunduk patuh dan taat kepada syariat-Mu. Kekalkanlah persahabatan kami hingga kami bertemu di akhirat kelak. Oleh itu, carilah seberapa ramai sahabat yang baik yang menunjukkan jalan-jalan ke syurga dan jalan-jalan kebaikan.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Beautifully Written


We never get what we want,
We never want what we get,
We never have what we like,
We never like what we have.
And still we live & love.
That's life...

The best kind of friends,
Is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with,
Never say a word,
And then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

It's true that we don't know
What we've got until it's gone,
But it's also true that we don't know
What we've been missing until it arrives.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back!
Don't expect love in return;
Just wait for it to grow in their heart,
But if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours.

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,
An hour to like someone,
And a day to love someone,
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile,
Because it takes only a smile to
Make a dark day seem bright.
Find the one that makes your heart smile!

May you have
Enough happiness to make you sweet,
Enough trials to make you strong,
Enough sorrow to keep you human,
And enough hope to make you happy

Always put yourself in others' shoes.
If you feel that it hurts you,
It probably hurts the other person, too.

The happiest of people
Don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
Happiness lies for
Those who cry,
Those who hurt,
Those who have searched,
And those who have tried,
For only they can appreciate the importance of people
Who have touched their lives.

When you were born, you were crying
And everyone around you was smiling.
Live your life so that when you die,
You're the one who is smiling
And everyone around you is crying.

Please send this message
To those people who mean something to you,
To those who have touched your life in one way or another,
To those who make you smile when you really need it,
To those that make you see the brighter side of things When you are really down,
To those who you want to know
That you appreciate their friendship.

And if you don't, don't worry,
Nothing bad will happen to you,
You will just miss out on the opportunity
to brighten someone's life with this message...

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Hari ni aku nk copy paste cerita ustaz yg mengendalikan program cuti sekolah utk anak-anak.....

Dari Ustaz yg kendalikan program hafazan Quran sempena cuti sekolah.

Harapnya adik2 kita semua dah bangun bersiap sedia untuk hari ketiga program TSI.

Jika kita lambat bangun pagi, kita akan terlepas 1 peluang untuk menyedut oksigen kelas pertama yg hanya ada ketika 3am-6am. Atau sebelum subuh.

Orang berjaya adalah orang yg sihat. Orang yg segar. Orang yang bertenaga. Teruja. Seronok. Enjoy dalam setiap apa yg dia lakukan.

Orang yg berjaya ialah orang yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.

Nak lihat kejayaan akhirat kita, adik2... lihatlah solat subuh kita.

Bagus solat subuh kita, baguslah semua solat kita yg lain.

Paling power, solat sunat tahajjud dan dhuha. Mulut kita akan jadi masin, orang suka dengar cakap kita, Allah redha dgn kita, rezeki kita melimpah ruah, otak pickup, senang belajar, belajar 1 faham 10. Ialah melalui solat TAHAJJUD N DHUHA.

Nak konsisten 2 jenis solat sunat ni, mestilah dengan latihan.

Kalau tak latih hati ni, masakan akan menjadi rutin kita sehatian.

Jika adik2 sayangkan mak ayah, jom kita balas jasa mereka dengan mempraktikan ciri2 orang berjaya.


Orang yang LAJU untuk berjaya, ialah orang yang ADA ENERGY.

Renung2kanlah selamat beramal.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Last post march 6, 2009

What??? last post March 6, 2009...

Friday, March 6, 2009


What Anasan say about Network marketing or interNetworking;
Q: I've been working with a network marketing company and am concerned about what others are saying about us being in a recession.
How will this affect my business?
Should I be spending my efforts on this part-time business right now in these uncertain times?
Should I focus on retail customers or on building my sales organization?

A: Whether or not we are in a recession is a topic I'll leave to the economic wizards.
However, having worked full time in direct sales and network marketing through several times of faltering economic indicators, inflation, unemployment, layoffs, etc., I have some thoughts on this matter.
In today's news, you get mixed messages.
But if we are in a recession, what does it mean to you, the distributor?
If you're not doing anything and looking for an excuse not to do anything, a recession is about as good a reason as any.
But if you're serious about your network marketing business, then, believe it or not, a recession could be the best thing that's happened to you in a while.
Shaky economic times have historically produced a renewed awareness of the need to make more money.
You'll find people who were previously uninterested in your business are suddenly looking for new financial opportunities.
They want a business that doesn't require a lot of capital, allows them to establish their own hours and offers rewards that can grow faster than capital or labor requirements.

Sound good to you?
It's the business you're in right now!
While other businesses offer one or more of these benefits, only a true network marketing plan can offer all three.
The reality is that leveraging your time through the multiplication process of network marketing is the hardest principle to teach others, yet it's the easiest to attain if you're involved with the right company and right product at the right time.
It's such a simple concept, people sometimes refuse to accept it as being something that could actually work for them.
They suffer from "analysis paralysis," trying to figure out why it won't work rather than why it will, making the whole process more difficult than it really is.
But when people are motivated by concern for their financial future, the sponsoring process becomes much easier.
Spouses are more supportive of their partner spending extra hours working to create more financial security for the family.

If you're pre-planning for uncertain times, consider that customers scrutinize your product or service more when dollars are tight. Is your product or service a "need to have" or a "nice to have"?
Products that are necessities rather than luxuries do better during times of uncertainty.

Do you focus on retail or recruiting?
In network marketing, these are never exclusive.
Building a strong retail customer base is critical, but you must recruit others to duplicate your efforts.
Learn the success formulas for yourself, then teach others to achieve that same success.
There is no other way in network marketing.
You can't achieve significant success on your own--you only have so many hours each day.
Nor can you sponsor that one hotshot person who'll make you a success while you sit back and watch the dollar bill sprout wings and fly into your mailbox.
You need a plan to duplicate your efforts through many others.
It's a vivid example of the biblical admonishment, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Network marketing is and always has been a person-to-person business, so nothing happens until two people talk.
During recessions, talk to people about protecting themselves against an uncertain future via network marketing.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no one can sincerely try to help another, without helping themselves."

Monday, March 2, 2009

31 Days to a Healthier Diet

31 Days to a Healthier Diet

A Tip of the Day Calendar for March or Any Month

-- By Nicole Nichols, Health Educator
SparkPeople's calendar feature will help you focus on one healthy habit each month. For March, that means improving your diet during National Nutrition Month.

Here are 31 daily tips that will help you eat more nutritious, healthy foods. Click here to download and print your March calendar. (You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download this PDF.)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Makan2 di Pavillion

Tghari tadi aku mkn kt Pavillion sama geng of the famili ie Bi, Fi, Yon, D n me. D ni sek di SBP baru ari ni dpt kuar sek n apa lg mkn2 ar...... Klu ada yg msh tk tau mkn kt food court Pavillion a.k.a Food Republic....syok giler tmpt tu mcm2 jenis mknan ada korean, japanese just named it semua ada .......rasa semua nk mkn leh jd gemuk woo .........mmg dh gemuk tk heran pung.....We all solat zohor kt sini kt tkt 5 n suraunye kelas gitu....Dlm kol 5 aku pun balik antar si D ke asrama. Ingat nk singgah umah org tua kt Ampang tp tkde lak depa ni g Penang katanye. So, balik trus ar....