I welcome all of you new pen spinners out there, who is lost with all the wierd words like 'Sonic 23-34' which just makes your head spin instead of your pen, well, no worries, I'm going to help you out right here.
What is Pen Spinning?
Pen spinning is a form of manipulation, Using your fingers to manipulate a pen(or a pencil) to perform tricks. Pen spinning has now evolved with the usage of elbows, knees and even feet.
Finger mapping
What is finger mapping? Finger mapping is labeling each of your fingers so you can read breakdowns like a musician reads the notes and chords. Get it?
Okay, so heres how you label your fingers:-
Thumb - T
Index finger - 1
Middle finger - 2
Ring finger - 3
Pinky finger - 4
Let's say, the trick Sonic. This trick makes the pen jump from between two fingers to another two fingers, lets say between the middle and the ring finger to the middle and the index finger.
How to write it?
[trick name] [number of rotations] [starting position] - [ending position]
So it'll be
Sonic 1.0 23-12
The first tricks you should learn is what we call, the Fundemenal tricks, which consists of four tricks and their reverses.
The fundementals include:
Thumbaround Reverse
Charge Reverse
Sonic Reverse
Pass Reverse
and one combination, Fingerpass
Tricks can also be done with your palm facing down, instead of the usual palm facing towards you. However some tricks can only be done palm down or palm up. e.g. shadow, palmspin.
Where to learn all these tricks? I highly recommend going to this guy's youtube channel to learn.. He is one of the best teachers around. Eso's youtube channel
Trick variations
Now, each trick has their variations, take Sonic for example. You can do a normal sonic, a sonic reverse, an inverse sonic, a reverse inverse sonic and etcetra.
Allow me to explain in detail..
Reverse: Doing the reverse motion of the trick, lets say a charge goes clockwise (anti-clockwise for lefties), right? so if you do a Charge reverse, the pen will go anti-clockwise (clockwise for lefties).
Inverse: The pen goes behind your middle finger while doing a sonic, right? Well, an inverse sonic would make the pen go IN FRONT of your middle finger. Get it? Of course, this doesn't only apply on Sonics alone, but other tricks like Arounds too.
And then, there are hybrids. A hybrid is a trick formed by merging two or more tricks together.. Sounds complicated? An example is twisted sonic, which is basically a hybrid of Charge and a Pass. A video can be found here:-
Other hybrids include Demon's Sonic, Devil's Sonic, Demon Devil's Sonic and etcetra.
Combos are a series of tricks chained together. St the start your combos might be choppy and pauses may occur but you know what? Practice makes perfect.
Some famous combos:
Kam's Four Loop Combo (also known as the K4LC)
Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Thumbspin 1.5
David Weis's RevToBak
Fake Reverse T12-T12 > Backaround 12-12
Hypersonic v1 by tohlz
Sonic 34-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Pass Reverse 12-23 > Pass Reverse 23-34 > Sonic 34-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Pass Reverse 12-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Pass Reverse 12-23 > Sonic 23-12
A: Dude, Rome wasn't built in a day, Get your lazy ass back in there and keep practicing.. Practice makes perfect!
Q: My fingers now hurt.. I blame you! T^T
A: Dude, you're the only one to blame. When your fingers are tired, please, take a break man. Noones pointing a gun at your head anf forcing you to keep spinning. Take a break when needed.
Q: Pen spinning is so gay. Who would want to learn such a gay hobby?
A: If you hate pen spinning so much, what are you doing here in the first place hmm? And its not gay lols
Introduction to Pen Modding
After spinning for some time, you will realize that using a normal pen/pencil is not suitable for the more intermediate tricks due to the uneven weight, short length and etcetra. Hence, pen mods are created.
What is a pen mod?
A pen mod is a modified pen specially for spinning. A pen mod is better for spinning because it is longer, heavier, has grips for infinities and more balanced than normal pens. A pen mod can vary in length and weight to fit the spinners likings.
There is no such thing as the perfect mod, because each spinner's liking is different so each spinner will like different mods. It's up to you.
Types of pen mods
There are many kinds of pen mods available, here is the list:-
Single-sided: These kind of pen mods looks like a normal capped pen with the cap placed on its back. This type of mods look more like a actual pen and usually writes from the back by taking off the cap placed behind.
Single-sided mods include:
-G3 MX
-Lakubo Jell mod aka Ayatori mod
-PSquare MX
Double-sided: These kind of pen mods are symmetrical, meaning both sides of the mod look similar. These kind of mods are usually double-capped with grips and tips placed onto it.
Double-sided mods include:
-PSquare VX
-Cerebic mod
Retractable: Mods in this category can be double-sided or single-sided, but mods like these have a special function, that is that it writes out from the front of the pen (which most single-sided mods don't) and the inktube is able to retract itself in and out of the tip. This is done by pressing the cap (or the other tip, for double-sided mods) to activate the mechanism to retract the ink tip.
Retractable mods include:
-Super G2 mod
-G2 CTE Vortex
Mechanical pencil: Or 'MP' for short. Mods like this is very much alike to retractable mods, except that it writes with mechanical pencil lead.
Mechanical pencil mods include:
-M-301 X
-Extending pen mod: ZT mod
-Splittable(?) pen mods: E2B mod, G2-E2B mod
Note: all pen mods mentioned here can be made in Malaysia.
How to mod
Modding is pretty simple. All you need to do is follow the pen mod's tutorial posted up by its creator and thats all! Of course, you have to get the pens first in order to mod them. Here is the list of pens found in Malaysia..
You don't have to follow the tutorial 100%, you can always differ a bit to your liking and customize it a little bit. You can also use different grips, cut stripes from your grips and maybe even cut a design onto the grip for looks.
Inserts and outserts
Inserts are basically paper rolled up and placed inside a barrel of a pen mod for looks. Inserts can only be done inside transparent (or semi transparent) pen barrels, mind you. You can find and request for inserts here.
Outserts are originally glossy sticker paper stuck onto the outer surface of pen barrels. Since we couldnt afford that, TEK, a member from UPSB came up with a outsert making technique, which you can view his tutorial here.
New mod?
Think you made a new mod? Post a picture up to let us see. If we like the pen, you go ahead to make the tutorial. A pen mod tutorial can be pictures and words, just pictures, or a video. You are allowed to choose a name for your mod. The key to creating new mods is creativity, so be creative!
Note: Modding can sometimes be dangerous if you are unsure on how to use the tools (e.g. X-Acto blade slips and cuts you). Well, what you can do is you can can your parent to do it for you, or you could always ask/pay a fellow member here to make the mod for you then trade via post to your doorstep. Or you could order a pre-made mod from Pendolsa and Penwish. But modding the pen is part of the fun *wink*
Well then, happy modding!
example of some pen for pen spinning
Are u Ready to spin??
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